When Covid-19 struck, The Restaurant Lab initiated as early as 7th of March 2020, just days after the first Swedish Covid-19 cases, ”Call-for-Action”. A circular design initiative calling on private citizens and companies to donate money inorder to reallocate food surpluses ment for restaurants but now risked going to waste, to instead convert the food into sustainable, nutrious and delicious ”help meals” to healthcare workers, risk groups and school children. After launch it became viral and the first day 20 000 people had seen it on social media. Which in turn spar- ked a wave of similar initiatives within the restaurant industry across the country and even abroad.

Tens of thousands of meals were delivered by The Restaurant Lab, which is a small amount compared to the hundreds of thousands of meals provided by all the restaurants combined, not to mention all the jobs saved and restaurants that could stay opened thanks to the initiative. We were first and we proved that circular design thinking and Agenda 2030 mindset can be a toolkit for solutions and disruption in stressful times likes Covid-19 crises, supporting food system resilience and social, ecological and economic sustainable and robust solutions. Call for Action has generated numerous articles, invitations to webinars, public funding and recognitions at prestigious organisations such as The Council for Nordic Ministers and World Council for Sus- tainable Business Development (WCSBD).